Home > Artworks > Juan Ignacio Fernandez Rodriguez. Ramos Cabello

Photo of Juan Ignacio Fernandez Rodriguez. Ramos Cabello Mexico

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Curriculum Vitae Name: Juan Ignacio Fernandez Ramos. Nationality: Mexican by birth. Date and Place of Birth: July 31, 1969, Monterrey, NL Mexico. Email: artetphotographie@hotmail.com, losfridos1998@yahoo.com.mx techniques Skills: captacin of images, shown in black and white rolls and slides, piezografias in Fabriano and canvas, silver gelatin . artistic areas: social realism, surrealism, estetisismo, abstract expressionism...

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Curriculum Vitae Name: Juan Ignacio Fernandez Ramos. Nationality: Mexican by birth. Date and Place of Birth: July 31, 1969, Monterrey, NL Mexico. Email: artetphotographie@hotmail.com, losfridos1998@yahoo.com.mx techniques Skills: captacin of images, shown in black and white rolls and slides, piezografias in Fabriano and canvas, silver gelatin . artistic areas: social realism, surrealism, estetisismo, abstract expressionism and neo - conceptualism. Workshop Name, Artist - Instructor, institution, and Period: Photography, Ansel Adams Institute, from 1998 to 1999. As development projects, Katia Brailobski, Cineteca Photobank Nuevo Leon, Moneterrey NL, 1999. The Persistence of look and look and the Skin, by Rogelio Cullar, Cineteca Photobank Nuevo Leon, Monterrey NL, September 12 to October 6, 2000. An introduction to photographic expression by Juan Jose Ceron, Cineteca New Photo Gallery Len, Monterrey NL, November 2 to December 16, 2000. Laboratory Anloga photography and Black & White, by Teresa Rodríguez Sepulveda, Tutoring, Monterrey NL, year 2001. Anloga printing in Black & White, by Domingo Valdivieso, Tutoring, Monterrey NL, year 2001. Painting with Light, by Antonio Turok, Cineteca Photobank Nuevo Leon, Monterrey NL, October 2001. Preparing a portfolio of productions, Yolanda Andrade, May 2002. Contemporary photography 80's and 90's, by Enrique Mendez de Hoyos, Center for the Arts, Monterrey NL, August 2002. Interactive Media for the Creation, by Alan & Rosa, Casa de la Cultura of Spain, in July 2003. As teach the children photography by Wendy Edwals, Galera de la Luz, Oaxaca Oaxaca, August 2003. The exhibition Collective name, institution, Place & Period: The Persistence of Mirada, Fototeca Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, NL October November 2000. Two Institutions 20 Artists, Universidad Mexicana del Noreste, Monterrey NL, December 2000 January 2001. Fight AIDS, Galley Possible Mexico, Monterrey NL, November, December 2002. Interactive Media for the Creation, House of Culture of Spain, Mexico DF, August 2003. The Power of Beliefs, Galera La Casa Amarilla, Monterrey NL, November December 2003. The exhibition Individual Name, institution, place and period: From what I Warm Blood, Cultural Hall Nancy Cardenas, Monterrey NL, Jan Feb 2001. Love, Nancy Cardenas Cultural Hall, Monterrey NL, Mar Apr 2001. Travesas, Universidad Mexicana del Noreste, Monterrey NL, 8 to June 21, 2001. From the Urban to the cliché, Universidad Mexicana del Noreste, Monterrey NL, June 22 to July 5, 2001. Gay Life: Sucker Mamo and drink to me, part I, Galley Cora Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. July 15 to August 10, 2004. Gay Life: Sucker Mamo and drink to me, part II, Galera Cora Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. August 17 to September 30, 2004 Gay Life. Sexual Diversity Centre, City of Mexico City from March 27 to April 29, 2006.

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